One of those weeks that just seem to fly by. It's absolutely insane. Between Junior Miss practice, building closets, sanding part of my room, and trying to have some fun life has gotten a little bit out of hand. In any case I have had fun driving my siblings insane with songs from different musicals. How anyone could prefer a Hannah Montana song over A Change In Me from Beauty and the Beast is a mystery to me.
Speaking of mysteries, I have one of my own that's been puzzling me. Last night I had a dream about a boy. Real shocker right. Anyway, in this dream there was one part where bandits or robbers came in and this boy and I were about to be forced to get married and it was just so real, well, except for the fact that the inside of the White House turned out to be a storeroom... Moving on, in that part of the dream there was one time where the boy had a chance to escape; but he chose to stay, he chose me instead of freedom. The weirdest thing of all, in the dream I was seriously in love with him. Oh, and to top it all off, I know that he goes to my school, I just can't remember which of all the boys who go to my school it was. Oh, and he was LDS too... That lowers it down to what, 15 boys. Bother, so last night in my dream I fell in love with someone and now I can't remember who it was. I wonder if he'll show up again tonight... I hope he does. Even though it's ridiculous I'd like to know who it is I fell in love with last night...
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